See the moment Patton Oswalt realizes Star Wars and Die Hard are the same movie

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Patton Oswalt might be a self-declared nerd, but that doesn’t mean he can’t still have new realizations about beloved geek properties.

While sitting down for PeopleTV’s Couch Surfing, the comedian made a discovery while reminiscing about his guest-starring role on Parks and Recreation.

He was discussing that character’s filibuster, listing a litany of geek lore and downplaying his ability to bring the role to life. “Is it genius when that’s the garbage that’s in your mind all day and you’re just dumping it out on camera?” he asks host Lola Ogunnaike in reference to his filibuster speech. “It wasn’t like I was making any new connections. I was just like, I’m going to list every superhero and spaceship that I know.”

But then, lo and behold, he did make a new connection: Star Wars and Die Hard are virtually the same film. “In a way, the original Star Wars is kind of Die Hard on the Death Star. They’re all hiding in little air ducts and they go down a garbage chute,” he says, before adding in disbelief, “Oh my god, the second act of Star Wars is Die Hard.”

Watch the clip above for more revelations from Oswalt, including the moment he accidentally foreshadowed Chris Pratt’s involvement in the MCU.

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