Roseanne Barr talks Trump with Kimmel: 'You want Pence for president? Then zip your f—in' lip!'

The lead character of 'Roseanne' also voted for Trump

Jimmy Kimmel kicked his interview with Roseanne Barr and John Goodman up a few notches when he broached the touchy subject of President Trump. Barr was never afraid to admit she voted for him, while Goodman clearly isn’t a fan. Whatever your political leanings, the chat made for some lively television on Thursday night.

One juicy soundbite came when Barr told Kimmel, “You want Pence for the president? Well, then zip that f—in’ lip!”

This came after the late-night host pressed the Roseanne star on casting her vote for “Captain Wacko,” as he put it. In the past, Barr has defended her vote. But now, sitting on the Roseanne couch among two anti-Trump-ers, she said, “I’m still the same, you all moved so f–ing far out you lost everybody” — a reference to Democrats.

Barr also addressed her previous friendship with Hillary Clinton and the more recent tweets she wrote about the Democratic candidate for president in 2016.

“I think you accused her of being a murderer on Twitter, didn’t you?” Kimmel asked.

“I did not!” she shot back. But when Kimmel promised to find the tweet “in the next 40 seconds,” she offered, “I deleted it, so f— you!”

On a more serious note, the actress and comedienne said she had issues with Clinton’s foreign policy. That left Goodman room to chime in: “She had one!”

The conversation veered towards Barr’s own family and their split reaction to Trump’s presidential victory, as well as how the new revival of her show mirrors her life. All in all, as spicy as it was, Kimmel said the interview was “kind of like what the show is like.”

“Here’s my two cents, damn it,” Barr said at one point. “It’s up to us to make this government work, no matter who’s president. It’s up to us to do our job as citizens and if we don’t like something, let ’em know you don’t like it, and then you’ve got another election in two years. Get out there and vote. Change it if you don’t like it.”

Watch the interview in the clip above.

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