Saturday Night Live: Beck Bennett goes on a New Year's Eve quest in a cut sketch

What’s your New Year’s Eve nightmare? Maybe it’s running around your city aimlessly trying to find your friends as they bar-hop their way to midnight. Beck Bennett takes that narrative to the extreme in a sketch that was cut for time from this week’s final 2017 episode of Saturday Night Live.

All dressed up for a night on the town, he calls pal Kyle Mooney to find out where to meet him for some New Year’s Eve fun in NYC. Mooney and pals, including a “Kendra” from whom Bennett is hoping to get a “midnight kiss,” are chilling in a bar, but each time Bennett gets close to them, they’ve changed locations.

He goes on a wild ride, including paying off a bouncer, traveling through a sewer, and answering a riddle in a white void to find his friends and get that “midnight kiss.”

Watch this cut sketch to remember that your New Year’s Eve likely won’t be the most frustrating one out there.

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