Julia Roberts reenacts Pretty WomanHook with James Corden

The Oscar winner acted out her film career in an exhaustive bit

It's no Julia Robstacle Course, but James Corden's Role Recall on Wednesday's Late Late Show was a workout for Julia Roberts. The actress acted out her iconic film roles with the late-night host, including scenes from Pretty Woman, Hook, Notting Hill, and her Oscar-winning part in Erin Brockovich.

As we've seen of past attempts with Tom Cruise, Samuel L. Jackson, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Kurt Russell, these bits are pretty physically demanding.

Roberts cracked up as Corden transformed into her mom from Steel Magnolia, and she chowed down on oversized pancakes for America's Sweethearts and oversized spaghetti for Eat Pray Love. Of course, it wouldn't be Roberts Role Recall without her "big mistake" scene from Pretty Woman. Corden donned yet another wig to play the snobby retail clerk who turned away Roberts' Vivian. Then they tore off their costumes and rushed into another pair of scenes spoofing Valentine's Day and Mother's Day. They even plugged Wonder, Roberts' upcoming film that Corden admittedly hasn't seen yet.

After the green-screen magic of superimposing Roberts' face on the spider from Charlotte's Web and turning her into Tink from Hook, the affair ended with a duet of Aretha Franklin's "I Say a Little Prayer" from My Best Friend's Wedding.

Watch the Role Recall in the clip above.

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