Watch Tina Fey and Amy Poehler's hilarious roast of Don Rickles

This throwback clip is a great tribute to the legendary insult comic.

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler
Photo: Spike

"We're here tonight to celebrate Don Rickles, and honestly, it's almost like he's here with us. You can feel his spirit in this room tonight," Tina Fey began her roast of the legendary insult comic during a 2014 "One Night Only" birthday celebration.

"Tina, Tina, he is here," her comedic cohort, Amy Poehler, said.

"Jesus! I thought that was somebody's purse," Fey joked.

Perhaps this is a more fitting way to remember Rickles, who died at the age of 90 on Thursday from kidney failure. The comedian earned the sarcastic nickname "Mr. Warmth" by making fun of everyone, including all races and creeds. So, in 2014 for his 88th birthday, Jon Stewart, Jerry Seinfeld, David Letterman, and many more stars came out to mark the occasion with a special airing on Spike TV.

"So here we are," Poehler said, as shown in the clip above, "because [the producers] thought it was important for Don to be honored by at least one woman, which apparently is what we count as." She added, "We are thrilled to be here because Don is the real deal. He had his own variety show and his own sitcom. He called both of them The Don Rickles Show. That's the kind of creative genius we're dealing with here."

Later Fey, recalling Rickles' signature stylings, mentioned the various ethnicities Rickles' humor appealed to — albeit with the outdated terms in which the comic often frequented. "We're not allowed to say that anymore?" Fey asked. "Why is he still saying it?"

Watch their full roast in the clip above.

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