Anderson Cooper muted Trump's Twitter: 'I just don't want to have that drama'

'I also don't want to really have a relationship with these people,' Cooper said when discussing Kellyanne Conway and the administration

CNN’s Anderson Cooper isn’t exactly President Donald Trump’s most attentive Twitter follower: “I’ve actually muted the president on Twitter. Don’t tell him,” Cooper told Stephen Colbert on The Late Show Monday night.

He explained, “When you get annoying people tweeting you, you don’t want to delete because then that tells them you’ve deleted them, so if you just mute them, they think you’re still following them and you don’t actually see their tweets.”

“Anderson, then the tweets can get backed up and you get an infection,” Colbert joked.

Cooper recalled how he went to Arizona to work on a story and wasn’t aware of all Trump was tweeting. “I was spending all weekend working on this story, so I wasn’t aware of all this agita that’s going on,” he said, “and I get back Sunday and I finally turn on my phone and I’m like, ‘What the what? What?!’ And I was like, ‘and Arnold Schwarzenegger, too?‘”

For emphasis, Colbert pointed out Cooper’s status as a “real newsman” who reports the news “in a very fair way and accurately.” “Look, I have people following him [on Twitter] so they tell me,” Cooper said of his decision. “I just don’t want to have that drama in my life. … I have great respect for the president — I just don’t need to follow him on Twitter. Listen, I have friends who have mania, I don’t want to be around them all the time.”

Cooper stated that he believes Trump uses Twitter often because he “needs a release.” “I’m like, there are many other forms of release,” said Cooper. “You know what I mean?”

Colbert pointed out that Trump “doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, doesn’t do drugs,” prompting Cooper to reply, “Well, yeah, there’s things that you can do.”

“I wouldn’t know…his hands are too small,” said Colbert, leaving Cooper shaking his head and laughing.

Cooper and Colbert also discussed Trump aide Kellyanne Conway, who told the CNN anchor the White House may have to rethink their relationship with the press. “I also don’t want to really have a relationship with these people,” Cooper said, “like I interviewed Kellyanne Conway a couple weeks ago — probably, maybe my last interview with her ever, I don’t know. I’m not saying anything bad about her, I haven’t interviewed her since, and it was supposed to be a 12-minute interview and it ended up being 26 minutes, and at one point in the interview, she said something to me along the lines of, ‘You know, we may have to rethink the relationship we have.’ I’m like, ‘We don’t have a relationship.'”

Watch the conversation in the clip above.

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