Superstore: Lauren Ash on the 'extensive research' she did for 'Ladies' Lunch' episode

Superstore - Season 2
Photo: Evans Vestal Ward/NBC

Every week, the cast and crew of NBC's megastore-comedy, Superstore, are taking EW readers behind the scenes of each episode. This week, actress Lauren Ash, who plays Dina, clues us in on what really went down in the twelfth episode of season 2, "Ladies' Lunch."

When I read the script for "Ladies' Lunch," I was ecstatic. Finally. It's what I have always been waiting for! Years of exhaustive research were actually about to be put to use. In the episode "Ladies Lunch," I, Lauren Ash, got to tap into years of real life experience when I got to play drunk. Now, to be clear, I am in no way an alcoholic. I prefer the term "alcohol enthusiast." I think most Canadians do.

I didn't think things could get any better. There was a hilarious script written by my insanely talented friend Vanessa Ramos; the AMAZING and lovely Todd Biermann was directing; we had fantastic guest stars; I WAS GETTING TO PLAY DRUNK — surely there couldn't be anything that could take this dream week of filming and elevate it to the level of Nirvana, could there? And then, just when I didn't think it was possible to improve on perfection, I read the three most beautiful words I have ever seen in a script: "Dina eats chips." (They were barbecue flavored, for those interested to know.) (And delicious.) (God, now I want chips.) (In Canada we have ketchup chips.) (Did you know I was Canadian?) (I mentioned it in the previous paragraph.) (My costar Mark McKinney is too.) (But I digress.) (Technically I digressed roughly three parentheticals ago, but really, that's neither here nor there.)

After Glenn reveals that Amy is going to couple's therapy with Adam, Dina (played by the impossibly effervescent Lauren Ash) decides that what Amy needs is a ladies lunch to cheer her up. Amy politely declines but Dina knows she just needs to be encouraged to go… by trapping her in the back of a delivery truck and taken against her will. So the abducted Amy joins Dina, Sandra, Cheyenne, Carol, Justine, and Myrtle for lunch. And yes, we all watched as the adorable Linda Porter (Myrtle) really ate that giant steak for an entire shoot day.

Meanwhile, back in the store, stuff happens with the boys and they create a game called "Muffinball" blahblahblah whatever back to the ladies' lunch.

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So. Sandra passes up the chance at her potential soul mate in order to keep her deception about Jeff alive; Cheyenne gets served without ID; and Dina reveals her favorite part of the penis is the "bottom." (This is easily one of my favorite jokes ever written for me.) Ultimately, the ladies go back to work — even though they're still drunk off their asses. Insane in the membrane, huh?

P.S. Was the drunken karaoke scene in this episode an homage to a girl's night Vanessa, Nichole Bloom (Cheyenne), and I had that involved eating ramen at 4 a.m., me puking said ramen in a bush at 4:10, and then proceeding to sing karaoke until after 5? I cannot confirm nor deny this…

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