Watch Al Franken, Rick Perry crack up over awkward SNL joke

"I hope you are as much fun on that dais as you were on that couch," Perry told Franken at his Senate confirmation hearing

Photo: Taylor Hill/Getty Images; KENA BETANCUR/AFP/Getty Images

President-elect Donald Trump may not be a big fan of Saturday Night Live, but his pick for energy secretary seems to be.

During Rick Perry’s confirmation hearing on Thursday, the former Texas governor found himself in front of Sen. Al Franken, who was a writer and performer on SNL before his career in politics. To kick off his line of questioning, Franken first thanked Perry for coming by his office and asking if he enjoyed their time together. Perry responded with a reference to SNL that became more awkward than he may have expected.

“I hope you are as much fun on that dais as you were on that couch,” Perry joked.

The line left Franken with a confused and baffled look, causing a laughing Perry to ask if he could rephrase. “Please, please, please, oh my lord,” deadpanned the senator.

Still chuckling, Perry replied, “Well, I think we’ve found our Saturday Night Live soundbite.”


The moment served as a light and humorous interaction in what has become a contentious round of confirmation hearings, which found Sen. Elizabeth Warren grilling Trump’s education secretary nominee Betsy DeVos on Tuesday.

Watch the clip above.

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