Hugh Jackman tests positive for COVID-19 day after performing on Tony Awards

He's got trouble...

Somebody else is going to be leading those 76 trombones for a minute.

On Monday, producers of The Music Man announced that Hugh Jackman has tested positive for COVID-19, and will miss performances of the Broadway musical from June 14-21.

Standby Max Clayton will portray Professor Harold Hill while Jackman is following quarantine protocol.

"Once again, standbys and understudies save the day and, in this case, it's Max Clayton to the rescue," said producer Kate Horton in a statement. "We're excited to see him perform alongside the wonderful Sutton Foster and we wish Hugh a speedy recovery."

Phillip Boykin, Nicholas Ward, Hugh Jackman, Daniel Torres, Eddie Korbich in THE MUSIC MAN_photo by Julieta Cervantes Photo Credit: Julieta Cervantes
Hugh Jackman in 'The Music Man.'. Julieta Cervantes

Jackman performed on the 75th annual Tony Awards on Sunday night, less than 24 hours before testing positive. He and co-star Sutton Foster did a rendition of "76 Trombones" alongside the company of The Music Man.

Representatives for the Tony Awards did not immediately respond to EW's request for comment on how this might dictate testing advisement or protocol for other guests who might have been exposed.

This is Jackman's second bout with COVID-19. They previously canceled performances of The Music Man at the end of Dec. 2021 when Jackman tested positive.

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