You're The Worst recap: Spooky Sunday Funday

'You're The Worst' can't fix depression, and neither can a significant other.

Photo: Byron Cohen/FX

Depression is not something that can be “fixed.” Gretchen knows that and it was her warning to Jimmy when she admitted to him last week that she was clinically depressed. “Be okay with how I am and the fact that you can’t fix me,” she said. “Can’t I, though?” he responded.

This week he tries really, really hard to “fix” Gretchen. He sets her up to have Sunday Funday (better than a Monday!) with Edgar, Lindsay, and Dorothy and makes a list of all the things he thinks will help her have fun. There’s boozy brunch, a murder tour, a Spice Girls cover band, a ouija board, and a very haunted house.

But Jimmy just doesn’t get that Gretchen’s chemical imbalance is out of his control. Hell, it’s out of her control. “There’s no way she’ll be able to remain sad after a day like this,” he tells Edgar. But there is and she does.

This and a foreboding flirtation make Jimmy our Worst this week.

4. Nope, not the worst. Far from it! In fact… least worst: Edgar

Edgar gets laid after three years of being celibate! Go Edgar!

3. Eh, not great, but could be worse: Gretchen

Gretchen doesn’t really want to participate in Sunday Funday but is sucked into it by her pals. She’s also sucked into being Daenerys Targaryen for Halloween when Jimmy says she can “do better than ‘Saddest Girl at the Rave'” and rents her a costume for $400 a day plus a $1,000 deposit.

Later, after a truly terrifying haunted house, she figures out Jimmy’s plan and calls him out. “I’m mad at you because you think you can fix me,” she says. “You can’t fix me, Jimmy. I don’t need to be fixed.”

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Jimmy storms off, thinking she’s not appreciative of his efforts, and she comes to a conclusion. “He’s not going to stop unless he thinks he fixed me already,” she says and resolves to be “fixed,” or at least appear that way. “I guess all I needed was a fun day doing things I liked,” she tells Jimmy after meeting him at a bar with a smile slapped onto her face.

It’s a painful realization that after months of being her real self with Jimmy, she can’t be too real. He can’t handle the realness and ultimately, this may be the downfall of their relationship. That or the new bartender, which we’ll get to in a bit.

2. Oof. It gets worse: Lindsay

Lindsay realizes she quits everything in life, doesn’t know who Stephen Hawking is, and gets trapped in the haunted house. At the end of the ep, she finds herself back at her home, which has been covered in toilet paper, attacked by pumpkins, and nearly burned down by toast. All’s well (and terrible) in Lindsay land.

1. Absolute, hands-down, no-questions-asked worst: Jimmy

It’s Jimmy, though, that is our worst this week. Aside from trying to change Gretchen completely, we also see him be seriously tempted for the first time this season. After Gretchen blows up at him, he heads to the bar and flirts with Nina, the bartender/owner, who is the only person who understands his costume. (We’re still unclear about who he dressed up as.) She says she’ll join him for a drink, but doesn’t when she sees Gretchen sit down at his table.

Nina’s knowing glance left us yelling at the TV. No, Jimmy! Back away! The YTW folks set up an easy way for Jimmy to excuse himself from true intimacy and Gretchen’s complexity: cheat. Nothing’s happened and no lines have been crossed, but we know Jimmy. We know TV. There’s no way Gretchen and Jimmy stay together through the end of season 2, and we may have just found a way out. You’re the worst, Jimmy.

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