''The Real World'': What we'd like to see

''The Real World: Denver'' is stuck in a rut. (Brooke is lazy! Colie is lonely!) We offer a wish list of dramatic twists that could bring the show back to life


”The Real World”: What we’d like to see

The only thing I kept thinking while watching tonight’s episode of The Real World was, man, those camera people must’ve loved having to hike up that mountain along with the roommates — they probably had much heavier equipment to carry and weren’t able to complain about it on national TV. The fact that I’m worried about what’s going on behind the scenes of The Real World is a really bad sign; it means this episode was a total snoozer.

Yes, I was quite happy to see Jenn, Alex, and Colie accomplish something more meaningful than downing 15 tequila shots. (Plus, we all got to see the amazing view at 13,908 feet above sea level, too.) And yes, I was happy that Davis made the mature and right decision to go back and join the campers. But other than that, all we got were close-ups of Brooke’s booty shorts and shots of her sorry attempts to make it appear that her ankle is still injured. Enough with the heels, Brooke! As I stated last week, not only are they ugly, but they also don’t help your case whatsoever.

On a side note, I was very pleased that Brooke found her way to the spa okay, because we all know how difficult it was for her to find the nail salon.

So TV Watchers, since I was so bored tonight, I’ve decided to come up with a list of things I want to see happen on the rest of the season to spice it up:

1. Jenn sleeps with Alex again. I only say this because last time it brought out the best in Jenn: ”I’m a hypocrite, I’m a whore, and I look foolish,” she told us. ”I didn’t want to have sex with Alex. I didn’t even want to make out with Alex. And last night, I told him I did.”

2. Brooke and Davis do the deed. It’s one thing to joke about it, but it would really make MTV history if an openly gay guy slept with a girl.

3. Brooke actually sprains her ankle or, worse, breaks her foot — now that’s karma!

4. Colie falls for another Outward Bound guy after Granola Adam dumps her, saying he doesn’t like the fact that she referred to him in a sentence using the word ”vagina.”

5. Someone smacks Brooke across the face.

6. Jenn gets her eyebrows fixed.

7. An actual meaningful conversation takes place between the roommates.

8. Someone gets fired from Outward Bound, forcing MTV to kick that person out of the house and bring in a replacement roommate.

9. The replacement roommate will be a hot guy who Colie will make out with and Jenn will sleep with, and the cycle will start all over again.

You guys tell me: What’s on your wish list? Do you think any of my wishes will actually come true? What’d you think about this episode otherwise? And what’s with Colie crying over Alex again in the previews for next week?

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