Demi Lovato reveals she broke her rib snowboarding

The singer tells all as she takes us through her life, from A to Z.

If you think you know everything there is to know about Demi Lovato, think again. Not only did she bare her soul in her new docuseries Dancing With the Devil, she's about to spill even more truths with her upcoming album Dancing With the Devil... The Art of Starting Over. And the reveals aren't stopping there.

During our digital cover shoot, the singer took EW through her life from A to Z, and she had plenty of funny, sweet, and interesting nuggets of information to drop about herself. Some are earnest, like why she has a butterfly tattooed on her neck. Others are hilarious, like how she's constantly trying to potty train her dogs. And some are serious, like how she broke her rib while snowboarding recently (stars, they're just like us!).

Watch the video above now to see what else Lovato reveals as she goes through all the letters of the alphabet. Come for the hilarious random entries (like Taco Bell!) but stay for the very important vaccine PSA, because as Lovato says, "You should totally get one."

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