Drag Race queens serve Spice Girls realness in new Chloe x Halle video

Naomi Smalls, Vanessa Vanjie Mateo, and Mayhem Miller assist Chloe x Halle as a reimagined version of the iconic girl group in an epic GLAAD Media Awards performance.

Are you ready for Chloe x Halle to spice up your life with a little RuPaul's Drag Race flavor? In the immortal words of Miss Vanjie: "Yeah, Adobo!"

During Thursday night's GLAAD Media Awards virtual presentation, the Beyoncé protégés debuted a killer digital performance of their new Ungodly Hour album cut "Do It" alongside a trio of drag superstars from the Emmy-winning reality competition series, and the newly formed supergroup's aesthetic paid homage to one of the greatest quintets in pop culture history: the Spice Girls.

Chloe x Halle took the lead in outfits inspired by the 1990s aesthetic codified by Scary Spice (Mel B) and Posh Spice (Victoria Beckham), while Drag Race season 11 queen Vanjie, All-Stars 4 contestant Naomi Smalls, and All-Stars 5 competitor Mayhem Miller grooved behind them in getups nodding to Sporty Spice (Melanie C), Ginger Spice (Geri Halliwell), and Baby Spice (Emma Bunton), respectively.

Elsewhere during the GLAAD Media Awards ceremony, Drag Race queen and Broadway star Peppermint also made an appearance, while RuPaul's popular program made waves on the awards circuit earlier this week after racking up 10 nods from the Television Academy (plus an additional three for its Untucked companion series).

Watch the full "Do It" performance above, and check out a full list of the GLAAD Media Awards winners here.

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