Purple Hearts stars Sofia Carson, Nicholas Galitzine take love to ocean shore for 'Come Back Home' music video

Watch Sofia Carson give a sunset beach performance in the music video for her original song 'Come Back Home' from Netflix's Purple Hearts.

Sofia Carson is hitting us right in our p̶u̶r̶p̶l̶e̶ hearts with her latest music video for "Come Back Home."

The track is an original written by Carson for her Netflix film Purple Hearts in which she also stars as struggling singer-songwriter Cassie alongside Nicholas Galitzine as Luke, a troubled marine. Though not in love, the two form a plan to marry for financial and medical benefits — and then later divorce, after he returns from deployment. But things take a complicated turn when Luke gets seriously injured (hence that Purple Heart). Even though their arrangement is purely one of convenience, Cassie is legally his wife, after all, and she steps in to help care for him, blurring the line between fiction and reality — and, you guessed it, ultimately leading them to love.

Purple Hearts marks the first time Carson has written a song for a film's soundtrack, but she says "it was actually a pretty similar process" compared to when she writes for herself.

"I had only written for Sofia, you know? Telling the truths in my heart and my point of view. But I had to write in Cassie's voice to serve a certain purpose in our story. The songs are so intrinsically linked to our story, it was just a different approach," Carson tells EW. "However, I felt that as a songwriter I dove into Cassie's heart to bring her story to life through song. I had the privilege of living with Cassie and this story for four years before I had the opportunity to write her music, and so I had really gotten to know her intimately. Through the process of making the music, I then got to know her even more. It was quite a thrilling experience to feel like I was singing in someone else's voice, if that makes sense. But yet feeling so connected to her."

Purple Hearts
Sofia Carson and Nicholas Galitzine in 'Purple Hearts'. Netflix

Carson wrote multiple original songs for the Purple Hearts soundtrack, but "Come Back Home" stood out among the bunch. "'Come Back Home' was particularly a challenge for us and particularly emotional because it's set at a moment in the film that is so pivotal to our story and to our characters," Carson says. "In those three words, Cassie says everything that she's been too afraid to say to him."

Without giving too much away, the film ends on the beach and that's exactly where the music video for "Come Back Home" picks up.

"We wanted to make it that much more special by, instead of it being a classic music video, it's a performance video," Carson explains. "So, it's me performing 'Come Back Home' on the piano and it's actually set at the same beach that Luke and I end the movie on, which makes it that much more beautiful and true to our story. It's a really intimate, vulnerable, and emotional moment that I think is true to our film."

Carson says she "hopes that people feel moved and touched. And they feel the honesty and vulnerability of this song. It's such a meaningful song with such a beautiful message and I hope it moves whoever gets the chance to see it."

Watch the full music video for "Come Back Home" below:

Purple Hearts is streaming now on Netflix.

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