Hugh Jackman expresses his love for Whitney Houston, and it's so emotional

No matter how many years pass, Hugh Jackman will always love Whitney Houston.

In an endearing video posted on Instagram, Jackman admitted that his teen self spent years believing that the famous singer was crooning to him and him only in her famous 1992 hit, "I Will Always Love You."

"By the way, listen to the very last words of "I Will Always Love You" by Whitney Houston. She actually says Hugh, I promise. The very last one is Hugh. I made myself believe that when I was 15."

Jackson then films himself swooning along to the song, though he's a little less enthused when the piano interrupts his "moment," exclaiming, "why is the piano coming? We don't need the piano!"

"I love you too," he finishes sweetly as the song ends.

Jackman also shared a clip of the video on Twitter, where fans were smitten with the actor's performance as well as his confession. Some even shared that he isn't the only Hugh to have a personal connection with the song.

"Ha! My Hugh said the same thing everytime we heard this song! I can still see him in my minds eye singing this part with a huge emphasis on the "you" as "Hugh"! I love it!" one fan tweeted.

Other fans commented saying that the way Jackman feels about Houston is the way they feel towards the actor and singer.

"Aww Hugh. This is how we all feel about you," one fan tweeted, hashtagging #IWillAlwaysLoveHugh. "Whiney just sings it better."

"Whitney is all of us!!!" another fan added.

Jackman was scheduled to return to Broadway in The Music Man, whose opening was postponed due to COVID. It was originally rescheduled to premiere in the spring of 2021. Currently, the musical's creative team is being re-tooled following the allegations against producer Scott Rudin.

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