Charlie's Angels stars Drew Barrymore and Lucy Liu reminisce over nude photos

Barrymore asked her former costar to help her "find the nude photographs you took of me on the set of Charlie's in my dressing room."

Drew Barrymore is on a mission to uncover the lost nude photographs that Lucy Liu took of her on the set of Charlie's Angels.

The actress sat down with Liu, who she called her "heart" and "Charlie's Angel sister," on her talk show today and immediately brought up her ongoing search for the seductive snapshots.

"Do you know what I was actually trying to find? And of course I'm doing a mad scramble and I'm definitely gonna unearth it," Barrymore said. "I was trying to find the nude photographs you took of me on the set of Charlie's in my dressing room."

As it turns out, Liu was the perfect person to ask. "I have them. I do! Of course. And you look gorgeous, as you still do, and you're so natural and so playful and having a great time," Liu said. She then clarified, "I have a series of portraits of so many people with and without clothes on, guys!"

The pair reflected on their Charlie's connection — which saw them star in 2000's Charlie's Angels and its 2003 sequel Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle — throughout Tuesday's episode. During Liu's Behind the Scenes segment, Barrymore recalled how Liu and Crispin Glover were both "so dedicated" to the intense training required for the hit spy films, while she and Cameron Diaz were "so naughty sometimes."

To which Liu teasingly interjected, "What? [Diaz] was so good. You weren't."

Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu, and Cameron Diaz in 'Charlie's Angels'
Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu, and Cameron Diaz in 'Charlie's Angels'. Everett Collection

While she couldn't locate her nude portraits, Barrymore was able to find a few "old pictures" of the trio together — one of which featured the host turning her butt toward the camera while Diaz and Liu posed next to her behind. "How cute," Liu remarked. "Just hamming it up."

Barrymore dreamily asked, "Can we be like that until we pass on to whatever's out there after this?"

"It's the only choice we have," Liu replied. "That's the only choice: to have fun and enjoy. Our kids, our lives, ourselves. If anything, this whole situation with the pandemic has taught us — or me — that we have to cherish every moment. We just do. And I do."

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