The 5 best erotic thrillers

Made during a time when Hollywood wasn't afraid of sex or dangerous adult fantasies, movies like "Fatal Attraction" and "Basic Instinct" are the opposite of boring.

They once ruled the box office, beneficiaries of a bolder class of directors, a burgeoning home-video market, and the skin-fluence of MTV. But then, just as suddenly, the erotic thrillers disappeared, pushed into the tar pits by superheroes, sequels, and a self-infantilizing industry. What happened?

That question is too big for this intro, but modern examples like Deep Water (2022) don't quite justify the excitement — it's neither sexy nor trashy enough. As we continue to pine for the return of the subgenre, here are our picks for the five best erotic thrillers.

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Body Double (1984)

Melanie Griffith, Body Double
Everett Collection

Brian De Palma could have invented the erotic thriller on his own, and, come to think of it, pretty much did with this synthy Hitchcock-a-thon that struck the mold.

The 1984 classic includes a seductive female lure (Melanie Griffith's savvy adult film star, in a role that later landed her Working Girl), a ridiculous kill or two, and a stellar use of a pop song (Frankie Goes to Hollywood's "Relax"). Don't question how believable any of this is — you'll spoil the fun.

Where to rent or buy Body Double: Amazon Prime Video

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Fatal Attraction (1987)

Everett Collection

As "classy" as erotic thrillers come (relatively speaking), this one has a committed Glenn Close refusing to be ignored by philandering yuppie Michael Douglas. It also has enviable New York apartments, and one boiled bunny.

The ending was famously reshot to reassert the survival of the nuclear family, a Hollywood cop-out parodied in Robert Altman's The Player.

Where to watch Fatal Attraction: Paramount+

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Basic Instinct (1992)

Nick and Catherine (Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone) in Basic Instinct
Everett Collection

It's remembered for Sharon Stone uncrossing her legs with a smile, but the whole movie has a naughtiness that's of a piece (and deserving of a rewatch).

Michael Douglas again — the signature actor of the erotic thriller — gets in over his head as a coked-up detective whose murder investigation leads him to Stone's manipulative novelist. Director Paul Verhoeven shoots San Francisco like Vertigo (1958), but he understands the job better than most.

Where to watch Basic Instinct: Paramount+

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Single White Female (1992)

Single White Female, Jennifer Jason Leigh
Everett Collection

Another high point from the early-'90s peak period of erotic thrillers, Barbet Schroeder's you-stole-my-haircut identity thriller is a commanding showcase for Jennifer Jason Leigh, diving into the meltdown of a clingy-at-best roommate.

If you end up liking her villain more than Bridget Fonda's ostensible leading character, the most boring web designer in Manhattan, you're not alone. Robustly entertaining, it's an urban nightmare that holds up well.

Where to rent or buy Single White Female: Amazon Prime Video

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Black Swan (2010)

Black Swan, Natalie Portman | What Owen said: ''Darren Aronofsky's backstage ballet thriller Black Swan is lurid and voluptuous pulp fun, with a sensationalistic fairy-tale allure. You can't take it…
Niko Tavernise

Ballet and Tchaikovsky go a long way toward perfuming what is essentially a down-and-dirty sex misadventure, with Natalie Portman's sheltered diva learning the ropes from Mila Kunis and Vincent Cassel.

The psychodrama is deep-dish, and director Darren Aronofsky balances his darker impulses with humor and some of the best performances of his filmography. Easily the best erotic thriller to ever win an Oscar (because it is the only one).

Where to watch Black Swan: Hulu

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