Glass director M. Night Shyamalan says he's done with Unbreakable cinematic universe

Writer-director M. Night Shyamalan’s new superhero-thriller Glass (out Jan.18) is shaping up to be one of the first big box office hits of the year. But the filmmaker insists he is now finished with the cinematic universe depicted in the movie, which he previously explored in 2000’s Unbreakable and 2017’s Split.

“Yeah, I would say so,” says Shyamalan. “I have a lot of original stories I want to tell. I’m an original filmmaker and I want to keep on telling new stories and new characters. It’s fun for me to figure out a new language, and then learn it, and try to get an audience in two hours to learn, and accept it, and really find their way.”

Since wrapping Glass, Shyamalan has been working on a TV show for Apple.

“[I can’t talk about it] too much yet,” he says. “It’s a thriller, a half-hour thriller. When Apple launches their streaming network, our show will be one of their major shows, if not their launching show.”

As for his big screen plans, Shyamalan reveals he is currently deciding which of two new projects to pursue.

“Well, I’ve got two ideas and I guess after Glass opens, I’ll start to write them,” he laughs. “I’m trying to decide which to do next. I’m leaning towards one over the other for the next one.”

Watch the trailer for Glass above.

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