Messi, Anatomy of a Fall's goodest boy, is getting his own TV show

The adorable canine is described as the "canine George Clooney" in a press release for the upcoming series.

Now this news deserves a great big round of a-paws: Messi, the beloved canine actor who stole everyone's hearts in the Academy Award-winning film Anatomy of a Fall, is officially getting his own TV show.

The series, which has a title that translates to Messi: The Cannes Festival Seen from a Dog's Point of View, will be set at this year's Cannes Film Festival, though it will not be included in the event's lineup. Produced by D18 Paris, the short program will consist of eight minute-long episodes that will air daily on multiple French television stations from May 13 until the end of the festival.  

"It is through the eyes of Messi (the canine George Clooney) and the voice of Raphaël Mezrahi that we will discover the Cannes Film Festival from dawn until the end of the night," a press release for the series says, per Google Translate. "This will be the opportunity to Messi to ask his guest all the questions he wants with the innocence of a dog."

Messi the dog
Messi the dog.

Amanda Edwards/Getty

The release adds, "When you are THE international star of the moment you can do anything… and Messi dares everything!"

The upcoming series, which is sponsored by TikTok, marks a homecoming of sorts for the 7-year-old border collie. In addition to Anatomy of a Fall winning the Palme d'Or at Cannes last year, the very talented Messi won the Palm Dog — the adorable unofficial award given to the best canine performance of the festival — for his debut role as Snoop in the Justine Triet-directed film

Messi also made headlines when he attended the Oscars earlier this year, although host Jimmy Kimmel later admitted that the dog didn't stay for the whole ceremony. "Our plan was to have [Messi] sitting in the audience throughout the show including my monologue," Kimmel said. "But then it turns out, we did a rehearsal, the dog was barking like crazy the whole time because he’s a dog, which was making it hard to tell jokes."

Kimmel added, "It was as if we'd released a dozen squirrels into the theater, that's how much barking [was happening]… And at one point, I thought, 'Oh, to hell with it, let's just let the dog bark throughout the show,' but that wouldn't have been great during the In Memoriam montage."

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