'Bachelor Pad': Scouting the Cast

See impressions from us and co-host Melissa Rycroft of the 19 guys and girls looking for love -- and a $250,000 payoff


Bachelor Pad | ASHLEY ELMORE, The Bachelor Season 14 (Jake) Age: 30 Occupation: Teacher Residence: Fairfax, VA Remembered for: Wearing a flight attendant costume to the first cocktail…
Kevin Foley/ABC

ASHLEY ELMORE, The Bachelor Season 14 (Jake)
Age: 30
Occupation: Teacher
Residence: Fairfax, VA
Remembered for: Wearing a flight attendant costume to the first cocktail party with pilot Jake.
Melissa says: ''She's very sweet, seems to value friendships the most in the house, and stayed true to herself.''
We say: She's not winning the money.


Bachelor Pad | CRAIG MCKINNON, The Bachelorette Season 6 (Ali) Age: 34 Occupation: Dental Sales Residence: Toronto, Canada Remembered for: Antagonizing ''the weatherman'' Jonathan Novack, and having a…
Kevin Foley/ABC

CRAIG MCKINNON, The Bachelorette Season 6 (Ali)
Age: 34
Occupation: Dental Sales
Residence: Toronto, Canada
Remembered for: Antagonizing ''the weatherman'' Jonathan Novack, and having a great head of hair.
Melissa says: ''He describes himself as dangerous. He's not afraid of anything. He doesn't mind being a villain.''
We say: We just might like him on this show since we sort of want these people to be punished.


Bachelor Pad | Bachelor Pad recap: Sex trade Dry your tears and pop some Ginko Baloba, blondie, because you and your comically inadequate short-term memory need to prep…
Kevin Foley/ABC

Elizabeth is shocked — shocked! — to win the "Worst Boob Job" vote


Bachelor Pad | GIA ALLEMAND, The Bachelor Season 14 (Jake) Age: 26 Occupation: Swimsuit Model Residence: New York, NY Remembered for: Being the world's only insecure swimsuit model…
Kevin Foley/ABC

GIA ALLEMAND, The Bachelor Season 14 (Jake)
Age: 26
Occupation: Swimsuit Model
Residence: New York, NY
Remembered for: Being the world's only insecure swimsuit model (and therefore, kinda likable).
Melissa says: ''She kind of had a hard time in the house because she was the only one coming in with a boyfriend. She had to get creative with playing the game.''
We say: The promo in which she asks someone to help her lift up her top during a game of Twister suggests she knows how to make friends.


Bachelor Pad | GWEN GIOIA, The Bachelor Season 2 (Aaron) Age: ? (Apparently, she's not telling) Occupation: Project Manager Residence: Philadelphia, PA Remembered for: Being Ms. Right, and…
Kevin Foley/ABC

GWEN GIOIA, The Bachelor Season 2 (Aaron)
Age: ? (Apparently, she's not telling)
Occupation: Project Manager
Residence: Philadelphia, PA
Remembered for: Being Ms. Right, and ending up Aaron Buerge's second runner-up
Melissa says: ''Really quiet. A sweetheart.''
We say: Bored now.


Bachelor Pad | JESSE BECK, The Bachelorette Season 6 (Ali) Age: 25 Occupation: General Contractor Residence: Peculiar, MO Remembered for: Being the silent type? until Craig provoked him.…
Kevin Foley/ABC

JESSE BECK, The Bachelorette Season 6 (Ali)
Age: 25
Occupation: General Contractor
Residence: Peculiar, MO
Remembered for: Being the silent type? until Craig provoked him.
Melissa says: ''Very outgoing and loud. You always heard him.''
We say: We look forward to seeing that transformation. And his tattoos, which will look great by the pool.


Bachelor Pad | JESSIE SULIDIS, The Bachelor Season 14 (Jake) Age: 25 Occupation: Cosmetics Sales Residence: Ontario, Canada Remembered for: Confronting Rozlyn during the Women Tell All about…
Kevin Foley/ABC

JESSIE SULIDIS, The Bachelor Season 14 (Jake)
Age: 25
Occupation: Cosmetics Sales
Residence: Ontario, Canada
Remembered for: Confronting Rozlyn during the Women Tell All about her alleged relationship with a Bachelor producer
Melissa says: ''Plays the game. That's all I'm gonna say.''
We say: That suddenly makes her sound interesting.


Bachelor Pad | JONATHAN NOVACK, The Bachelorette Season 6 (Ali) Age: 31 Occupation: Weatherman Residence: Houston, TX Remembered for: Warning Ali what a ''dangerous guy'' Craig was, not…
Kevin Foley/ABC

JONATHAN NOVACK, The Bachelorette Season 6 (Ali)
Age: 31
Occupation: Weatherman
Residence: Houston, TX
Remembered for: Warning Ali what a ''dangerous guy'' Craig was, not initially being thrilled about wearing a Speedo for the swimsuit calendar shoot
Melissa says: ''What we know from Jonathan's personality is that he doesn't really take what other people think of him personally. When we saw him on Ali's season, a lot of the guys didn't like him, but he kinda said, 'This is what I'm gonna do,' and he has the exact same mentality in the Bachelor Pad house, which is a pretty great quality to have: 'This is me. I'm quirky. And if you don't like me, I'm gonna continue to do my thing.'''
We say: He's going to get used.


Bachelor Pad | JUAN BARBIERI, The Bachelorette Season 5 (Jillian) Age: 37 Occupation: General Contractor Residence: Los Angeles, CA Remembered for: Butting heads with David G., and being…
Kevin Foley/ABC

JUAN BARBIERI, The Bachelorette Season 5 (Jillian)
Age: 37
Occupation: General Contractor
Residence: Los Angeles, CA
Remembered for: Butting heads with David G., and being the man the majority of contestants wanted booted
Melissa says: ''He kind of stayed in the background.''
We say: We like him even less knowing that he doesn't try harder to make us not like him.


Bachelor Pad | KIPTYN LOCKE, The Bachelorette Season 5 (Jillian) Age: 32 Occupation: Sales & Operations Mgr. Residence: Encinitas, CA Remembered for: Being the man Jillian couldn't keep…
Kevin Foley/ABC

KIPTYN LOCKE, The Bachelorette Season 5 (Jillian)
Age: 32
Occupation: Sales & Operations Mgr.
Residence: Encinitas, CA
Remembered for: Being the man Jillian couldn't keep her hands off of, but falling short in the end
Melissa says: ''Kiptyn's always a hot commodity. I think he came out of Jillian's season with a very large fanbase. I'll say he's an all-around great guy, and whatever girl in the house does end up with him is a lucky girl.''
We say: We're pulling for him and Tenley because after Jake we want her to experience real heat


Bachelor Pad | KRISILY KENNEDY, The Bachelor Season 7 (Charlie) Age: 30 Occupation: Personal Assistant Residence: Los Angeles, CA Remembered for: Letting Charlie use her navel to do…
Kevin Foley/ABC

KRISILY KENNEDY, The Bachelor Season 7 (Charlie)
Age: 30
Occupation: Personal Assistant
Residence: Los Angeles, CA
Remembered for: Letting Charlie use her navel to do a body shot on the first date, not getting along with other women in the house, sensing that Charlie was going to choose Sarah Brice over her and taking it remarkably well
Melissa says: ''She's outspoken. I don't know if it gets her in trouble, but it stirs things up absolutely.''
We say: Why should the boys have all the fun?


Bachelor Pad | MICHELLE KUJAWA, The Bachelor Season 14 (Jake) Age: 26 Occupation: Sales Residence: Anaheim, CA Remembered for: Really, really, really wanting a husband and kids, and…
Kevin Foley/ABC

MICHELLE KUJAWA, The Bachelor Season 14 (Jake)
Age: 26
Occupation: Sales
Residence: Anaheim, CA
Remembered for: Really, really, really wanting a husband and kids, and asking Jake to kiss her to see if they had chemistry (and when they didn't, asking him to give her ''something more than that'' and getting sent home)
Melissa says: ''Exactly what you saw on Jake's season is exactly what you will see from her in the Bachelor Pad house.''
We say: If there is a god, she'll get locked in a room with David and Craig. But we'd settle for her swallowing Jonathan whole.


Bachelor Pad | NATALIE GETZ, The Bachelor Season 13 (Jason) Age: 28 Occupation: Bartender Residence: Hollywood, CA Remembered for: Her interests. Natalie: ''I love bears.'' Jason: [Pause] ''Like,…
Kevin Foley/ABC

NATALIE GETZ, The Bachelor Season 13 (Jason)
Age: 28
Occupation: Bartender
Residence: Hollywood, CA
Remembered for: Her interests. Natalie: ''I love bears.'' Jason: [Pause] ''Like, just, like, like, koala bears, panda bears?'' Natalie: ''No, all bears.''
Melissa says: ''She's very carefree. She says and does things on impulse sometimes.''
We say: The promo that shows her with someone's belt between her teeth would seem to confirm that.


Bachelor Pad | NIKKI KAAPKE, The Bachelor Season 13 (Jason) Age: 30 Occupation: Administrative Assistant Residence: Chicago, IL Remembered for: Receiving the first impression rose because she's a…
Kevin Foley/ABC

NIKKI KAAPKE, The Bachelor Season 13 (Jason)
Age: 30
Occupation: Administrative Assistant
Residence: Chicago, IL
Remembered for: Receiving the first impression rose because she's a great aunt, but later getting rejected on a two-on-one date with Stephanie because Jason thought she was too closed off.
Melissa says: ''The mother hen of the house.''
We say: The only thing intriguing about Nikki is that she has a romantic past with a fellow contestant.


Bachelor Pad | PEYTON WRIGHT, The Bachelor Season 10 (Andy) Age: 27 Occupation: Cheerleader Apparel Sales Residence: Dallas, TX Remembered for: Being left standing on the deck of…
Kevin Foley/ABC

PEYTON WRIGHT, The Bachelor Season 10 (Andy)
Age: 27
Occupation: Cheerleader Apparel Sales
Residence: Dallas, TX
Remembered for: Being left standing on the deck of the USS Midway when Andy took off in a helicopter with Tessa, who received the rose on their two-on-one date
Melissa says: ''She's very sweet and soft-spoken and had a lot of friends in the house.''
We say: Bored now.


Bachelor Pad | TENLEY MOLZAHN, The Bachelor Season 14 (Jake) Age: 26 Occupation: College Admissions Residence: Huntington Beach, CA Remembered for: Expressing her love for Jake through dance…
Kevin Foley/ABC

TENLEY MOLZAHN, The Bachelor Season 14 (Jake)
Age: 26
Occupation: College Admissions
Residence: Huntington Beach, CA
Remembered for: Expressing her love for Jake through dance (''My ex-husband never saw me dance the dance that's in my heart'').
Melissa says: ''She's probably one of the most genuinely sweet people that you know. We learned from Jake's season that Tenley is an emotional one, and definitely brings that emotion with her into the Bachelor Pad house.''
We say: If it's true she's dating Kiptyn, we have no idea why she's crying in the promo.


Bachelor Pad | WES HAYDEN, The Bachelorette Season 5 (Jillian) Age: 33 Occupation: Country Music Artist Residence: Austin, TX Remembered for: Coming on the show to promote his…
Kevin Foley/ABC

WES HAYDEN, The Bachelorette Season 5 (Jillian)
Age: 33
Occupation: Country Music Artist
Residence: Austin, TX
Remembered for: Coming on the show to promote his band, and being accused of having a girlfriend (which he denied).
Melissa says: ''Wes is Wes. He makes no apologies for who he is or decisions that he makes. He definitely lets you know if you are not on his friends list.''
We say: The only consolation for him getting another 15 minutes is knowing that it's on this show, which means he won't ever be taken seriously as a musician again.


Bachelor Pad Jesse Kovacs
Kevin Foley/ABC

Kovacs finally seals the deal with Elizabeth


Bachelor Pad | DAVID GOOD, The Bachelorette Season 5 (Jillian)? Age: 28 Occupation: Entrepreneur Residence: Dayton, OH Remembered for: Being a rageaholic who doesn't tolerate violations of his…
Kevin Foley/ABC

DAVID GOOD, The Bachelorette Season 5 (Jillian)?
Age: 28
Occupation: Entrepreneur
Residence: Dayton, OH
Remembered for: Being a rageaholic who doesn't tolerate violations of his ''man code,'' and not following the gentleman's code (Dave: ''I don't get a kiss?'' Jillian: ''Not after the word 'tits.''')
Melissa says: ''He knows he's attractive. I think David likes him some David. And I think he can kind of be known as a bully.''
We say: He'll either be Craig's best friend or his nemesis. That's what we call a win-win.

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