Maya Rudolph's personal A-to-Z name-checks Harry Potter, Prince, and a mini-horse

Maya Rudolph is an undisputed comedy queen, whom you surely know from her spot-on impression of new Vice President Kamala Harris on Saturday Night Live, her hilarious turn in Bridesmaids opposite Kristen Wiig, and her flawless pronunciation of "bubble bath" on Netflix's Big Mouth.

But there's even more than meets the eye when it comes to EW's latest cover star, so we had Rudolph give us her own personal A-to-Z in the video above.

From quarantine health tips (C is for vitamin C, which she takes every daily) to favorite curse words (yes, F is for…) to impersonating Harry Potter characters (S is for a certain potions teacher), Rudolph bares her soul and lets us know that she is, in fact, human after all. Case in point: Rudolph's P is for both her daughter Pearl and music legend Prince, and what human doesn't love Prince?!

For more on Maya Rudolph, order the March issue of Entertainment Weekly or find it on newsstands beginning Feb. 19. Don't forget to subscribe for more exclusive interviews and photos, only in EW.

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