Why Eve Rodsky wants to live inside a Marlo Thomas & Friends album

The Find Your Unicorn Space author reveals which books, shows, and movies are bringing her joy.

Eve Rodsky may be known for helping people streamline their own lives, but even she makes time for a good binge-watch. The author of the invisible-labor missive Fair Play just released her second book, Find Your Unicorn Space, which helps readers cultivate (or re-cultivate) their creativity. And since she's known for Marie Kondo-ing relationships, we had to find out how she Kondos her pop culture consumption. Below, she tells all on the books, shows, and movies that spark joy.

Eve Rodsky, Find Your Unicorn Space
Avia Rosen; Penguin

My favorite book as a child

Encyclopedia Brown, because he understood at a young age that the presenting problem is often not the real problem.

The last book that made me cry

Between Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted by Suleika Jaouad. The beauty of her memoir of creativity and resilience is what we need the most today.

The movie I watch over and over

Love Jones — the soundtrack is one of my favorites of all time.

The last TV show that made me laugh out loud

Ali Wong's Netflix special Hard Knock Wife. My favorite line from Ali is, "When you're a mom, you need sparkle to compensate for the light inside of you that has died."

The books I read that helped me inform my own writing

Ain't I a Woman? and The Will to Change by feminist author bell hooks. Also, Second Shift by Arlie Hochschild and Opting Out? by Pamela Stone.

The fictional world I would most like to live in

The world of the Marlo Thomas album, "Free to Be... You and Me" Who wouldn't want to live in the land "where the children are free and you and me are free to be"?

The writer I wish more people knew about

Mia Birdsong, who wrote When We Show Up. She is well known, but everyone should have a copy on their bedside table.

The movie I think everyone should watch

I would love to create a film festival where complex mothers are the star of each film ... my inaugural festival choice would be The Lost Daughter.

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