The Mindy Project: Xosha Roquemore recaps season 5, episode 5

'Anytime my fave musical, Dreamgirls, is incorporated into anything, I am a happy camper.'

Photo: Patrick Wymore/Hulu

Every week, the cast and crew of Hulu’s beloved rom-com, The Mindy Project, are taking EW readers behind the scenes of each episode. This week, Xosha Roquemore, who plays Tamra, takes us through the fifth episode of season five, “Leland Breakfast is the Miracle Worker.”

Let me start by saying I am so excited to be recapping episode 5, “Leland Breakfast is The Miracle Worker,” for many reasons that I will list parenthetically throughout this post. Let me also say, for some reason I am intimidated by this task, and like most cool opportunities/homework assignments that I am intimidated by, I have waited until the last minute to start. So here I am, burning the midnight oil as per usual. Ok, lets go!


Back at the office, in a thirsty attempt to impress Leland, Jeremy announces that he will be throwing a party for him at his apartment. The whole Shulman gang is excited, I mean its Leland Buh-reakfast! Not only is he an acclaimed thespian, he’s Doctor Universe in the Marvel world, which is news to Mindy and totally gets her on board with him being cool. But she’s still not that interested because she has a good thing going with New Jersey Nurse Ben….or does she?

Over in the B-story, Anna (our new chic, icy, high status doctor) is frustrated that she can’t find Jody. Colorgan (Morgan and Colette. Remember that joke from last season?) gently explain to her that he is still reeling from Mindy’s rejection, and it might take him a while to be back to his normal professional self. But things start to look up when sneaky Tamra discovers that Jody has a hot date that night with a grown woman Doctor named Jen Trang. (My goddess faux dreadlocks were lengthened, adorned, and super popping in that scene with me and Jody. Reason #4, just sayin.’) An incensed and ice cream-faced Colette storms off to the hospital to confront Dr. Trang for dating her big brother — she’s a married woman! That’s when she finds out that Jody was actually meeting with Dr. Trang to inquire about a new job at her practice. His ego simply can’t take working with the woman who spurned him, makes sense… The plot thickens.

In the open office area, some rando lab tech named Lisa comes in saying that she’s Ben Miller’s girlfriend. Yes, that Ben Miller, who is also Mindy’s boyfriend. (Morgan and Tamra ushering her out of the office in a super gangsta way is reason #5, btw.) Oh, hell no! Mindy is crushed, and when she talks to Ben about it he gives the typical guy response: “We’re just hanging out.” So are he and Mindy just hanging out, too? Is anything real or sacred in modern day dating? Ugh, I hate vague ass guys dipping around in multiple women. Especially ones who front like they’re so sweet, like Bridge and Tunnel Ben. But I digress… Tamra and Jeremy convince a broken Mindy to ask Leland Breakfast out, and he agrees to attend Jeremy’s soiree with her. Take that, stupid Ben!

This brings us to the last act, the party. Leland is holding court when he notices that Colette and Jody are arguing and not paying any attention to him. This prompts Leland to serenade Jody with the best white male rendition of “And I am Telling You” that I have ever heard. (Reason #6! Anytime my fave musical, Dreamgirls, is incorporated into anything, I am a happy camper.) During the song, Ben’s trifling ass walks into the party and pulls Mindy aside for a talk. He admits that he really likes her but has some insecurities since she’s, like, amazing, and he’s kind of a plain ol’ regular Joe. They work it out, though, and make their relaish (that’s “relationship”) official. Yay! While thats going on, Anna pulls Jody aside and snaps him out of his heartbreak with a hard talk and a kiss, and he decides he doesn’t need to leave the practice anymore. Yay again! Resolution in the B-story! Self absorbed Leland is over it and decides to leave the plebeians and go party with Jeremy Renner, convincing most of Dr. Reed’s guests to leave with him.

We are left with our OG Gang and a piano… The always-ready Jeremy hops on and ends the episode with a heartfelt rendition of Lionel Richie’s classic “Eas,y” and we zoom out on our group all warm and fuzzy. (Reason #7 I love when Ed Weeks sings and plays the piano! It is a delight — he’s such a triple threat.) Boom! That’s my verbose-ass recap of 505! Tune in next week, ya’ll!

New episodes of The Mindy Project stream Tuesdays on Hulu.

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