Cursed Child: Emma Watson meets Hermione actress Noma Dumezweni

Play was 'possibly even more beautiful than the films,' Watson says


Hermione met Hermione. There was no witchcraft involved, but you could say it was magical.

Emma Watson and Harry Potter and the Cursed Child actress Noma Dumezweni met backstage after a Wednesday performance of the play, currently in previews, which Watson called “AMAZING,” expressing her delight in all caps, adding, “Having seen it I felt more connected to Hermione and the stories than I have since Deathly Hallows came out, which was such a gift.”

Watson had expressed via Twitter in January that she would see a performance of Cursed Child at some point during 2016, and she finally made it happen. After catching a performance at London’s Palace Theatre Wednesday, Watson revealed the ultimate Potter mashup as she posed with Dumezweni for a picture. “It was SO lovely to meet you @MissDumezweni,” she wrote, adding the imperative hashtag #Hermiones to really seal the deal.

What began as an adorable moment for Potterheads turned quickly into an all out love fest as the new Cursed Child Hermione posted several tweets about the meeting of the magicians. “1. Now I feel I can share the maHUSSIVE joy I felt, alongside the company when a beautiful, humble and very kind young lady saw @HPPLAYLDN,” stated the first of three tweets.

“2. @EmWatson It really was quite emotional to be in your company,” wrote the stage actress, echoing the response any fan would have. “And thank you for your lovely self. We spoke of you with MAJOR respect!”

She also posted a picture of an embrace with Watson, writing, “3. Blessings Dear @EmWatson and Thank You!”

Watson shared a review of the play on her Facebook page Thursday. “Some things about the play were, I think, possibly even more beautiful than the films,” wrote the actress, who stars in Disney’s upcoming live-action Beauty and the Beast. She also posted more behind-the-scenes photos with the Cursed Child cast.

The official Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Twitter account got in on the action, posting additional photos of Watson with the cast, including Anthony Boyle, who plays Scorpius Malfoy, and Sam Clemmett, who plays Albus Potter.

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child officially opens on July 30 at the Palace Theatre in London.

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