Stan Lee praises Tom Holland's Spider-Man

'It's as if we created a living being to be Spider-Man, and it turned out to be Tom," Lee said

Photo: Marvel; Albert L. Ortega/Getty Images

Stepping into the role of Spider-Man for Captain America: Civil War, 20-year old Tom Holland had big shoes to fill, as the part has been played by Hollywood stars like Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield in the past.

Heading into the standalone Spider-Man: Homecoming film as the youngest actor to have ever played the part, however, Holland now has an endorsement from a major voice in the Marvel universe: comic book writer (and Spider-Man creator) Stan Lee.

Speaking this weekend at a spotlight panel discussion during Denver Comic Con, Lee raved about the British actor’s talents, specifically noting his keen ability to transform into the superhero, whom Lee told host Clare Kramer is his favorite character he’s ever created.

“Oh, he’s wonderful. I was with him the other day. He is great,” Lee said of working with Holland on Homecoming. “I can’t believe it. It’s as if we created a living being to be Spider-Man, and it turned out to be Tom.”

During the event, Lee also revealed that he’s filmed at least three cameos in movies that have yet to be released.

“Unfortunately, this will frustrate you a little; I have a favorite [cameo], but I can’t tell you what it is because it hasn’t appeared yet… I had to go [to Atlanta] to do three cameos for three movies at the same time. One of the cameos I did is for the…”

An off-stage voice cut the 93-year-old off. “Stan, you can’t talk,” he said as the crowd erupted with boos. After a word with the unidentified man, Lee returned to his discussion. “Let me put it this way; it’s a movie that’ll come out soon. You’re going to all want to see it because it’s one of your favorites,” he said. “In that movie I have a cameo where I’m dressed up as… I won’t tell [you], but you are gonna love it.”

Skip to the 3:56 mark in the video above to hear Lee talk about Holland’s role in Spider-Man: Homecoming, which is slated to hit theaters on July 7, 2017.

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