Chuck Palahniuk's 'Fight Club 2' trailer

Photo: David Mack

You’re not supposed to talk about Fight Club. But enough people did, over the decades, to make Chuck Palahniuk’s Fight Club a cult sensation, and it wasn’t just because David Fincher’s film adaptation starred a mostly-shirtless Brad Pitt. The book’s portrait of fragile masculinity and its rage against modern corporate ennui struck a chord with readers and viewers. Last year,Palahniuk returned to Tyler Durden and Marla Singer with a 10-issue comic sequel, Fight Club 2, illustrated by Cameron Stewart. In case you missed it the first time around, all 10 issues are being collected in a graphic novel, out June 28 from Dark Horse. EW is excited to premiere the trailer, which like the end of Fincher’s film, features a song by The Dabbers, below.

“A graphic novel stands apart with enough storytelling distance to achieve its own authority,” Palahniuk tells EW. “Plus, it allows for visual entertainment without the tyranny of making everything literal for a film.”

Indeed, Fight Club 2 takes full advantage of its comic book format by introducing new, unique-looking characters who would have a hard time fitting onto the screen of a Fincher movie (not to mention the fourth-wall-breaking appearance from Palahniuk himself), plus a deeper, mind-expanding explanation for what “Tyler Durden” really is.

“I’m just fascinated by archetypes, particularly trickster characters like Loki, Hermes and Coyote,” Palahniuk says. “And because Tyler was always a trickster, I wanted to give him;eternal status among the gods.”

According to Palahniuk, writing this comic helped him with the screenplay for the movie version of his novel Lullaby, which is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter.

“Writing a comic taught me that no one enjoys my pontificating so I’d better make something happen,” Palahniuk says. “Going back to Lullaby required creating physical tasks to play in every scene. Gesture is stronger than dialogue and dialogue beats voiceover, so like in a comic I amped up the screenplay by minimizing talk and adding non-verbal communication that will play better in film. That said fingers are crossed for the film.”

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