Gillian Anderson addresses James Bond fan campaign

'Will it ever happen in the real world? More than probably not'

Photo: Michael Tran/FilmMagic

Mulder and Scully may have spent The X-Files‘ latest season sleeping apart, but Gillian Anderson has an idea of what they’d rather be doing.

The actress, currently starring in A Streetcar Named Desire at St. Ann’s Warehouse in Brooklyn, took a break from realism on Monday to give fans a little magic in the form of a Tumblr Q&A. Asked what her character and David Duchovny’s Mulder would do if they were trapped in a room at the end of the world, Anderson quoted Beyonce’s “Drunk in Love”: “We be all night. Surfin’ all in this good, good.” (Anderson has told EW, “I don’t know any words to any song whatsoever, other than ‘Drunk in Love.'”)

Anderson also addressed the likelihood that she could appear as the next 007, a campaign that gained traction when she tweeted a fan-made poster imagining her in the role of Bond. Calling the idea “a fantasy,” she wrote, “Someone made a fabulous poster and it started an intriguing conversation. Will it ever happen in the real world? More than probably not.”

Sounds like exactly what a secret agent would say.

Other highlights from the Q&A:

  • Anderson points to “Someone Like You” as her favorite Adele song.
  • Her favorite line of X-Files dialogue (from season 3’s “Syzygy”) is “Sure. Fine. Whatever.”
  • She’s really into the puffer fish emoji.
  • If she “had the power to change, create or amend one law internationally,” it would be the Equal Rights Amendment.
  • Chewbacca, who gave his name to Anderson’s “chewiesgirlfriend” username, is a good date. “Our last date was to the Lego store at Rockefeller Plaza,” the actress wrote. “He knows my priorities.”

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