B.J. Novak introduces new app for people who just love lists


You’ve got Instagram to post your selfies and Twitter for your 140-character bon mots; now there’s an app to share your lists, too.

The List App, brought to you by B.J. Novak and Dev Flaherty, launched on Wednesday, and a lot of your favorite celebrities are already on it, listing current obsessions, daily news, and favorite things.

“Share your experiences, opinions, and expertise and enjoy lists from friends and the leading voices in TV & film, music, food, sports, news, fashion, comedy and more in a vibrant and positive community,” the app’s About page reads.

So why lists? “We just love lists. They’re the best,” the FAQ page answers simply. “Human beings are innately inclined towards structuring information; it’s one of our primary means of understanding. Lists are simple, powerful; the gold standard of sorting and sharing information for thousands of years.”

The structure of the app resembles a lot of the social media platforms we already know: There’s a news feed tab, where all of your followers’ lists appear in real time; a search function; a notifications tab; and your own profile. You can share your own lists on Facebook and Twitter and like, re-list, or comment on others’ as well as suggesting additions, which the list creator can then accept and credit you for.

You can make about anything (and there is an option to make them either numbered or bulleted), but the app offers a few suggestions when you first get started, including “Movies I’ll always watch if they’re on TV,” “Go-to karaoke songs,” “What I wanted to be growing up, chronologically,” “Photos that show up when you Google image search my name,” “Guilty pleasures,” and “These are a few of my favorite things.”

There’s space to write a 350-character introduction at the top of every list, and each item on a list (you can write up to 99) is also allotted 350 characters, but you can add photos, locations, and descriptions of up to 500 characters to any single item.

Various stars and publications (including EW!) have been using the app during its beta period and have already amassed entire lists of lists: You can check out Mindy Kaling’s “Men you would *like* to kiss on The Mindy Project” and “A few great beards”; peek into the life of Lena Dunham, who has listed “Celebrities who remind me of my mother” and “Things I’ve eaten since I got home from Japan”; and follow this summer’s EW guest editor Andy Cohen, who has written “Things I am scared to admit publicly” and “Things that are not irritating about Soul Cycle” — the latter of which is a pretty pathetic list, as Cohen admits in the intro.

The List App is free, and available only for iPhone right now. You can download the app and get listing here.

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