Marriage Equality Supreme Court: Stephen Colbert celebrates, invites Scalia on Late Show

Photo: CBS/YouTube

Stephen Colbert joined those celebrating the Supreme Court’s ruling legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide Friday with a new video commenting on the news.

“History moves fast. It’s hard to believe that gay Americans achieved full Constitutional personhood just five years after corporations did,” the incoming Late Show host joked in the clip, posted on his show’s YouTube channel.

Colbert then turned his attention to the Supreme Court justices who dissented in Friday’s 5-4 ruling, particularly Justice Antonin Scalia, who wrote in his dissent that he “would hide [his] head in a bag” if he ever joined an opinion that began the way Justice Anthony Kennedy’s majority decision did.

“I could’ve sworn he was already hiding his head in a flesh-toned cinch sack,” Colbert said, before extending Scalia this invite: “Please come on my show, sir.”

Colbert officially begins as host of CBS’ Late Show on Sept. 8. Watch him wish everyone a happy Pride weekend (and wave some rainbow flags) below.

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