Anderson Cooper pokes fun at himself for not knowing Clickhole was a parody site

Photo: CNN

Anderson Cooper used his “RidicuList” segment to address the fact that yes, he is aware Clickhole is a parody site. But that wasn’t always true.

During the segment, Cooper brought up ex-FIFA vice president Jack Warner’s recent misstep, when he cited The Onion as a valid news source. But instead of chastising Warner, Cooper noted that he isn’t the first person to confuse a parody site for the real thing.

“Yeah, I fell for a Clickhole article,” Cooper confesses.

Back in May, Clickhole published a few “quotes” from Anderson Cooper, Christopher Nolan, and Sigourney Weaver apparently given during various commencement speeches. Cooper, obviously, never said what he was quoted as saying—and he took to Twitter to clear up the misunderstanding.

A short while later, he realized he’d been had.

“I just didn’t think it was that funny and it was a stupid thing, and it annoyed me that someone thought I would say a stupid thing,” he said during RidicuList. “I mean, how am I supposed to keep up with what the kids are doing?”

Don’t worry, Anderson: This wasn’t the first time someone took a Clickhole article seriously, and it probably won’t be the last.

The full clip is available over at Mediaite.

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