Taylor Schilling, Adam Scott find 'parental bliss' in 'The Overnight' trailer


A dinner party usually involves wine, food, small talk—but in The Overnight, Jason Schwartzman hosts a pizza party/family playdate that takes an unusual turn. By the time, Taylor Schilling says to her screen husband Adam Scott, “I think we’ve reached that point in the evening where we should leave before anything crazy happens,” it’s already too late.

Scott told EW in January that the night in question “gets increasingly strange.” “These people end up breaking our relationship wide open, and we can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube,” he said. “We have to reassess everything about our marriage because of what these two other people are kind of provoking us to do.”

Written and directed by Patrick Brice, The Overnight premiered at this year’s Sundance Film Festival and arrives in theaters June 19. Watch the trailer below.

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