Dennis Quaid's outburst was fake -- and Funny or Die is to blame

Photo: Funny or Die

So Jimmy Kimmel wasn’t behind Dennis Quaid’s on-set tantrum after all: Funny or Die was.

Footage of Quaid yelling on-set went viral Tuesday, and many immediately began pointing fingers at Kimmel—a late night host who’s known for pranks, including a similar one that convinced the mass media there was a wolf roaming the halls of athletes’ dorms at the Sochi Olympics. He addressed these accusations on his show Tuesday night, and less than 24 hours later, Funny or Die released a video exposing the truth behind the video: that it was all staged.

The beginning of the video features actual footage of news anchors covering Quaid’s freakout, and then launches into a scene starring Quaid sitting at the same desk where he has his hissy fit. He soon starts yelling—and it turns out he insults he threw around in the “leaked” video are literal: “Dopey the Dick” is his name for a man dressed in a head-to-toe penis costume, “pussies” is what he calls a basket full of kittens, and he steps on actual horse poop when he exclaims “this is horsesh–!”

The moral of the story: Don’t trust anything you see on the internet, and Dennis Quaid is (hopefully) not a monster. Watch the video below.Dennis Quaid’s On-Set Freak Out: The Full Video from Funny Or Die

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