Watch a trailer for David O. Russell's abandoned 'Accidental Love'


Here’s a David O. Russell movie (sort of) without the good kind of buzz that has been accompanying his films like Silver Linings Playbook and American Hustle. A trailer is finally out for Accidental Love, formerly called Nailed, starring Jessica Biel as a woman who gets a nail stuck in her head.

If Jake Gyllenhaal looks particularly baby-faced in this trailer as a congressman, there’s a good reason for that: The movie began filming back in 2008, and according to a recent report from The Hollywood Reporter, Russell filmed all but one scene of the movie. Russell, however, is not listed as director on the trailer; that honor goes to Stephen Greene. Russell quit the film back in 2010.

According to THR, the film will get a VOD and theatrical release in February. The cast for this bonkers-looking affair also includes James Marsden, Tracy Morgan, and Catherine Keener.

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