Stream Joe Fletcher's raw and gritty 'You've Got the Wrong Man' LP

Joe Fletcher
Photo: Joshua Black Wilkins

Folk music’s having a moment right now–maybe its biggest in decades–but the twee, indie-cute slant of its most visible contemporary proponents has a tendency to leave fans of its gnarlier, more twisted roots feeling cold. To fans of folk’s darker side, Joe Fletcher’s You’ve Got the Wrong Man should come as a bracing breath of fresh air–or if not “fresh” than “intriguingly dusty,” like the atmosphere in a junk store full of beat-up old treasures.

Fletcher is part of a loosely affiliated community of insurgent folk artists who are working to counter the effects of Mumfordism. His third LP, recorded solo to tape in multiple locations around the country, has the no-fi production values of a Lomax field recording, the hardscrabble allure of Springsteen’s Nebraska, and the gritty tunefulness of Mississippi John Hurt.

Fletcher will release You’ve Got the Wrong Man on Oct. 7, and it’s available for pre-order now. Until then you can stream the album here.

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