Paintings come to life in Arcade Fire's 'You Already Know' video

Arcade Fire

Arcade Fire frontman Win Butler was too busy directing the music video for “You Already Know” to actually sing, so he got some help for his parts—from paintings with moving mouths and neon pink tape covering their eyes.

Butler doesn’t appear until the end of the video when a smiling Régine Chassagne brings out a mirror and reveals that Butler’s been filming his bandmates the entire time. Butler goes on to point his DSLR into every mirror nearby, showing that he’s been here the whole time—who knew paintings can’t really sing?

When Butler’s not zeroing in on his reflections or the creepy singing artwork, he’s spotlighting each member of the band with overexposed shots that use the natural sunlight pouring into the seaside home they’re playing in to make the band members’ white clothes even brighter.

“You Already Know” is the fourth music video off Arcade Fire’s 2013 album Reflektor. The band is currently touring.

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