Christina Hendricks is stuck in the 1960s in Funny or Die clip


Christina Hendricks mistakes an iPhone for a Pop-Tart in the latest Funny or Die video, and not just because today’s phone cases can be eerily realistic: The sketch finds the Mad Men actress transported from the 1960s into a modern office, complete with computers and cell phones and Febreze.

Hendricks experiences her own bit of shock in the video—she tries to literally erase a typo off the screen—but she also makes herself comfortable, shaking up martinis in the break room and smoking at her desk. When a co-worker scolds her for all these things, Hendricks lays down some facts. “Did you know that almost 70 percent of the minimum-wage workforce is female, but only 15 percent of our Fortune 500 CEOS are?” Hendricks says. “I figure if we’re going to run our businesses like it’s the 1960s, I’m going to act like it.”


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