Brad Pitt and his band of brothers roll in 'Fury' trailer

Fury Trailer

David Ayer co-wrote the underrated Matthew McConaughey World War II submarine movie U-571, and he also wrote and directed the pitch-perfect brothers-in-arms cop drama End of Watch. The first trailer for Fury, his WWII tank movie, looks to bottle elements from both, as Brad Pitt leads a gritty Sherman-tank crew into Germany to help end the war in April 1945. But as Pitt’s Sgt. Collier says in the trailer, “The dying’s not done. The killing’s not done.”

Pitt’s crew—which includes Michael Pena, Shia LaBeouf, Jon Bernthal, and Logan Lerman—soon finds itself in over its head against staunch German resistance, outnumbered 300 to five. In Saving Private Ryan terms, Pitt is Tom Hanks, the elder, battle-tested leader who’s waged war against the Germans on numerous fronts. Lerman is the film’s Jeremy Davies, a skittish and wide-eyed fresh fish who might not be built for the horrible things he has to do. Together, they’re a band of brothers who aren’t about to run when things get dicey.

Watch the trailer below:

Fury opens Nov. 14.

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