'Pretty Little Liars' react: 'What are you doing here?'

Photo: Ron Tom/ABC Family

Spoiler alert: If you haven’t watched the March 11 episode of Pretty Little Liars, stop reading now!

My head actually hurts after that episode. Like, there’s a genuine physical throbbing happening in my frontal lobe, and it’s something that only next week can (and hopefully will) fix. But for now, here’s what we learned:

Things started with Spencer chasing a hooded person through the woods when we heard what sounded like a bear trap going off. Then we immediately flashed back to 48 hours earlier, when the Liars were laying out everything they knew: Paige gave the note to the police, Spencer might’ve bashed in the skull of a stranger on the night Ali disappeared, and Ali’s mom might or might not have taken over Mona’s “A” post when she went to Radley.

But wait, what was Jason doing back in town (looking all hot with his new haircut)? Well, Spencer wasn’t about to find out — her car wouldn’t start. Instead, jammed in her ignition, she found an endless stream of photos of a blond girl with the face blacked out. A note read, “You know me Spencer. You killed me.” That definitely isn’t going to help Spencer’s state of mind. But you know what might? Everything about Dean. Am I the only one who’s so into this guy?!

Elsewhere, mamas were popping up as if from nowhere. Ella returned from Vienna to check on Aria, and Ashley was helping Mrs. D plan the “Engage to Change” bridal show. And if that weren’t enough to keep the creepy Mrs. D busy, Detective Holbrook had some news for her: The family photos she dropped off after Ali’s disappearance showed that Ali had broken her arm when she was younger. However, in the coroner’s report, they didn’t find any evidence of a previous break. Basically, they’re going to exhume the body in Ali’s grave, and Mrs. D can’t say anything about it. However, she can say something about Ashley snooping around Ali’s room and finding out that Mrs. D purchased new Ali-sized closed as recently as yesterday. Something’s definitely not right here.

Speaking of things that weren’t looking good, Emily confronted Paige about telling the cops that Ali’s alive. Paige clearly stated that she thinks the cops should be in charge of protecting Ali, but we all know how Emily feels about the situation. By episode’s end, Paige had apologized, but it was too late. She’d already lost Emily’s trust, and therefore, she’d lost Emily.

So as one relationship ended, another began. Hanna and Travis were adorable this episode. Do we call them Havis, because that feels weird. Anyway, after turning Hanna down for a do-over date, Travis agreed to help her sneak into Mrs. D’s house during the bridal show. His line about, “You had me at ‘Could you'” was so incredibly cheesy and yet undeniably adorable. #TeamHavis

But before we got to the bridal show, Emily caught up with Jason, where she learned that he believed it was Wilden who was behind the elevator fall that nearly killed him. And in terms of why he avoided her the other night? Well, he was trying to keep space between himself and Spencer, for his mother’s sake. According to him, Mrs. D was really there for him during his most recent stint in rehab, and he didn’t want Spencer messing with their family … again.

Cue Spencer-related flashback number one, in which Ali told her mother about the anonymous threatening texts she’d been getting. Mrs. D seemed to think Spencer was behind them. She told her daughter to fight fire with fire! If only Mrs. D could see Spencer now, amirite? Poor Spence was curled up and trying to sleep on the couch in order to feel safe. Luckily, she had Dean there to read her to sleep, right up until he fell asleep resting his head on her hip and Veronica fired him. Honestly?! I’ve never hated Veronica Hastings more than I do in this moment.

Across town, however, I was siding with another mom. After Zack called to check in on Ella, Aria went off on her mother about how she left her kids behind and put Zack before them. Calm down, Aria. I know you’re upset, but your mom is right — you practically pushed her out the door. Plus, how was she supposed to know that your adult boyfriend was secretly writing a novel about your recently undead ex-best friend and the mystery of who wanted her dead? Sheesh.

Okay, back to Spencer’s mom, who was doing a bit of snooping when Spencer caught her. Veronica explained the reason that she didn’t want to talk about “that summer” was because it was as though they were living with Spencer and her “evil twin.” Then, Veronica mentioned how Melissa had promised never to bring up the incident that happened before she left for school.

Cue Spencer-related flashback number two, in which Ali was walking home late one night when she found Veronica, in tears, cleaning up what was clearly the remnants of a Spencer-Melissa fight. Veronica wanted to know what was happening to her daughter, but Ali told her, “If I ask her, she might turn on me.” And just as Ali turned the corner, she saw Spencer standing there listening.

Back in present day, Spencer didn’t remember any of it. But she wasn’t the only one whose memory might be faulty. After running into Jason, Spencer asked him about the other blonde he remembered the night Ali died. Was he sure it was CeCe? Well, the answer will have to wait, because Dean’s here! Dean showed up to say goodbye to Spencer, but he wasn’t about to leave without imparting some wisdom. You know that rehab center Jason claimed to be at recently? Yeah, that’s been closed for two years. As if I needed it, I now have another reason to want Dean around — he’s hot and useful! That’s my kind of man.

By now, we were back to where we started the episode with Spencer out in the woods. It was indeed a bear trap, but it only got caught her veil. (Was anyone else hoping it legitimately hurt her? I love Spence, but that would’ve been good drama, and then Dean could’ve rescued her! I know, I can’t let him go.)

Inside, Aria learned that Zack had proposed to her mom — yay! — while Hanna and Emily got in contact with Ali. She was in Philly, and once they found Spencer, they were all going to meet her to find out what happened the night she disappeared. But that would have to wait until after their next “A” threat. Remember how “A” ended last week by sewing Spencer’s dress? Turned out, he/she was sewing finger bones into the inside of the dress — how Spencer didn’t feel them, I have no idea. The note read, “What will you do when the rest of me comes out of the grave?” I could comment about how gross and wrong this was, but I’m just going to move on.

After Ali claimed that her mother knew nothing, the Liars went to Philly, where they found [fill in the blank]. We have no idea. All we heard was the Liar saying, “What are you doing here?” Is it Melissa? Toby? Ezra? Wren? Mona? Jason? CeCe? I could go on, but I have one more scene to talk about. It seemed that “A” had located CeCe at the Red Finch Inn. Seconds later, “A” was dialing the Rosewood Police Department. And … my head explodes.

So what is going on, and is anyone else dying for next week so that we can finally find out what happened the night Ali disappeared?! Who do you all think is in the grave? More importantly, who’s in Philly? Sound off in the comments below!

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