'Puppy Bowl X': Watch a canine player get flagged repeatedly

Sure, the Broncos-Seahawks showdown in Sunday’s Super Bowl XLVIII is a classic match-up, pitting the No. 1 offense against the No. 1 defense, but can any of those players outcute the competitors in Puppy Bowl X? We think NOT. Animal Planet is hoping that you like your football as furry as possible, so starting at 3 p.m., you can watch young canines from animal shelters around the country run happily and haphazardly around the gridiron, with penguin cheerleaders rooting them on. (The two-hour special, which also offers where-they-are-now? spotlights on past Puppy Bowl players, will repeat five times that day, with new footage and features.) Want to unleash some Puppy Bowl X action right now? Click on the video below to watch an Old English Sheepdog named Ginger get whistled for multiple penalties, including “illegal bathing,” and then witness a special air delivery during the Kitty Halftime Show, which also includes a performance by Keyboard Cat.

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