'Justified': Mary Steenburgen to appear in multiple episodes as...

Another familiar face will pop up on Justified this season: Mary Steenburgen has signed in a recurring role on the FX drama as Katherine Hale, an attractive southern belle who was married to Wynn Duffy’s (Jere Burns) mentor in crime. Steenburgen makes her first appearance in the 10th episode of this season and is slated to appear in the remaining episodes of season 5.

Michael Rapaport, Amy Smart, Alicia Witt, Damon Herriman, AJ Buckley, James LeGros, Steve Harris and Wood Harris are among the other celebrities to appear on Justified in season 5. Earlier this week, the network confirmed that season 6 will be the show’s last.

Steenburgen, who won an Oscar for her role in Melvin and Howard, has guest-starred several times on another FX series, Wilfred.

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