Ringo Starr's number is up in new 'Powerpuff Girls' special clip

Powerpuff Girls

Ringo Starr may be teaming up with Paul McCartney to perform at the Grammy Awards and accept the 2014 Recording Academy Lifetime Achievement Award for the Beatles on Jan. 26, but first he’s in need of some major rescuing by the Powerpuff Girls. Or, at least his voice is.

EW announced in December that The Powerpuff Girls would be returning to your TV screen for a new Cartoon Network special, Dance Pantsed, on Jan. 20, and now we have your first exclusive look at Starr’s guest-starring role as Townsville’s flamboyant mathematician, Fibonacci Sequins. Watch the clip below for a sneak peek at Mojo Jojo’s latest scheme to kidnap Sequins: an evil video game (“Dance Pants R-EVILution,” of course) that controls the minds and bodies of its players, namely, the Powerpuff Girls.

Dance Pantsed premieres Monday, Jan. 20, at 7:30 p.m. ET/PT on Cartoon Network.

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