Watch the trailer for the sequel to 'Love Actually'

Love Actually 2

There was once a lovelorn boy named Sam in a little film called Love Actually who told his grieving father, “Let’s go get the sh– kicked out of us by love.

Judging by this trailer for the sequel, it looks like they certainly did.

Fine — it’s a parody. The video, a masterful compilation of some of the ensemble’s post-Love Actually work, weaves a storyline that sees Alan Rickman and Emma Thompson at a certain school for witchcraft and wizardry, a profanity-loving Colin Firth, and an Andrew Lincoln battling the zombie apocalypse (which the actor himself outlines as the fate for his character, Mark).

Still, if you actually (natch) imagine the futures of all the characters from the original film, wouldn’t this be the most exciting possibility? The POTUS is now a Bad Santa. The Prime Minister is making American Dreamz (speaking of which, sigh, “American”). And Liam Neeson is Liam Neeson. That doesn’t change.

Check out the “trailer” below. And tell us: Which character do you think got the best sequel storyline?

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