Victoria Beckham: 10 tidbits from 'New York Times' magazine profile

Victoria Beckham
Photo: ChinaFotoPress/Getty Images

By now, we should know everything about Victoria Beckham. After all, she’s been in the limelight since her Spice Girls days in the ‘90s. So what new facts could we possibly learn about the artist formerly known as Posh Spice?

Quite a lot, it turns out. The latest issue of The New York TimesT Magazine has new insight into the life of the pop star-turned-high fashion designer. Our favorite 10 tidbits from the profile below.

1. She doesn’t understand her no-smiling reputation and claims she does smile, at least in family pictures. Besides, she says, “when you’re in a position to be paparazzi-ed just walking down the street, you’d look a little daft if you were smiling all the time.”

2. She thinks her personality is “more suited to America” and misses L.A. Maybe it’s time for another documentary?

3. She leaves the cooking to David, who went to culinary school when he was playing soccer in Italy.

4. Speaking of food, she eats corn soup and fruit for lunch. When David’s not home, the chef makes a “giant” lasagna “so I can put it in the freezer and then do it myself.”

5. But when it came to the photo shoot for the story, she refused to include grapes in the shot because “we don’t want anyone to know I eat. Why ruin that?”

6. She hung a photograph by David of their four children bouncing on a bed on a wall in her office.

7. She or David always drives their three sons to schools and attend every parent meeting. (Beckhams also insist on minimal nanny time for their littlest one, Harper Seven — in fact, Victoria and Harper were making daisy chains after a trip to the park when reporter Sarah Lyall arrived.)

8. She’s not into “mind-blowing” L.A. birthday parties that put “cellphones in the party bag, that sort of thing.” Instead, her kids’ parties are “normal” ones, with “a bouncy castle, a face painter.”

9. Despite her industry cred, she’s not comfortable with high fashion shoots, because “I find it embarrassing when you don’t look like yourself, when you’ve had tons of retouching.”

10. At home, she wears baggy jeans and a T-shirt and walks around barefoot.

Posh’s dry sense of humor may come as no surprise to well-read fans, but what about the fact that she eats lasagna? And may or may not have jumped around in a bouncy castle at least once in her life? (Sit on that visual for a while!) What was the most surprising revelation for you, PopWatchers?

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