Jon Negroni on his 'Pixar Theory'

Pixar Theory
Photo: Disney/ Pixar

What if I told you that every single Pixar film since the release of Toy Story in 1995 is somehow connected. Don’t believe me? Well, you’ll have to answer to a rather detailed analysis done by blogger Jon Negroni.

Negroni’s Pixar Theory has been causing quite a stir lately. In his elaborate blog post, Negroni created a sequential timeline of events, analyzing how iconic animated films such as Finding Nemo, Brave, Ratatouille and more exist in the same world at different times — with each one existing as the result of the previous one.

Negroni first got the idea from an episode of After Hours with Dan O’Brien discussing Pixar characters as part of a “Robot Apocalypse.” Negroni ran with that idea and decided to expand. “Over the next few months, I began talking about this theory with friends and we would flesh out ideas together. There were at least a dozen occasions when a friend would bring my crazy theory up at the movies or in a bar and I would go through the entire thing in about 20 minutes. I would even bring it up on dates if they weren’t going well and I needed to kill time,” he tells EW.

After re-watching the films and jotting down his ideas, Negroni made two discoveries “that became the biggest bombshells of the theory” about a week ago. Some retooling and a little editing later, Negroni was done.

Just by reading Negroni’s blog you can tell that he is not playing around. The dense inquiry has enough evidence and explanation to make even the most skeptical of humans believe in the idea.

The full theory can be found here, along with a timeline, but the gist of the concept includes the idea of technology and magic giving inanimate objects and animals human emotions. Certain details, such as Andy in Toy Story 3 having a postcard from Carl and Ellie from Up on his wall (mind = blown) and the witch in Brave having a wood carving of Sully* from Monsters, Inc. are just too important to be considered a coincidence.

“Half of me believes they totally did this from the get-go since they are more than capable of doing something so amazing,” Negroni says. “While the other half of me realizes that this is my love for Pixar movies manifesting itself in over-the-top conspiracy theories.”

And in case there are any Inception fans out there, Negroni has also completed an intricate theory on the Christopher Nolan masterpiece.


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