Stephen Colbert sends Bill Clinton's first tweet

Tonight’s Colbert Report featured a suave, handsome icon beloved by millions for his political leadership and activism… as well as William Jefferson Clinton, the 42nd president of the United States.

Though the conversation between Clinton and Colbert — filmed at this year’s Clinton Global Initiative University, an annual meeting for college students and youth organizations — was certainly entertaining, it was also fairly predictable. Clinton was chatty and charming as always, while Colbert kept struggling valiantly not to be taken in by his guest’s charisma.

Near the end of the talk, though, Colbert had an actual surprise for Clinton: He had taken the liberty of setting up a brand-new Twitter account for the former president, who generally steers clear of social media. And while most of the monikers Colbert tried to snag were already taken, “@PrezBillyJeff” just happened to be free. (Who woulda thunk it?) Clinton, ever the good sport, proceeded to dictate his first-ever tweet to Colbert from the stage; you’ll find that special message below.

Can we expect Clinton to keep using this account, even after CGIU is through? Given the page’s second tweet — a since-deleted message about how the page was definitely being used by Clinton, and certainly not Colbert pretending to be Clinton — it doesn’t seem likely.

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