Monopoly adds cat token


Today Hasbro proved what we have all known forever: people like cats and people like dogs. After a month of Facebook voting to see which piece would be added to Monopoly and which piece would be retired, the iron is out and the cat is in.

The cat token earned 31 percent of the fan vote, beating out a helicopter, a guitar, a diamond ring, and a toy robot. In the contest to see which piece would be retired, the iron got the fewest votes. We’re breaking down walls here, people! The Scottie dog, obviously, got the most votes and is safe forever.

Production on the new tokens begins immediately, so expect the cat token to be on shelves later this year.

Do you think the cat piece is purr-fect (for Meow-nopoly… okay, I’m done… oh man) or are you bummed you didn’t know about the vote so you could let your voice be heard in favor of the toy robot?

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