Alec Baldwin, Taylor Kitsch talk 'filthy' 'John Carter'


God bless Taylor Kitsch’s visit to Live! With Kelly falling on a day when Alec Baldwin was Kelly Ripa’s cohost. Watch the chat below in which Baldwin playfully tries to insinuate that Kitsch and his John Carter costar Lynn Collins spent time together offscreen (until Kitsch mentions that she’s actually married), and, after watching a flirty clip of the two of them together, offered this expert analysis: “Now don’t fool around here, okay…. When the superhot woman says, ‘I can take you to the gates’…. Come on, this is a filthy movie, man! Come on, this is filthy!” Both Ripa and Kitsch reminded Baldwin that it’s a Disney film, but Kitsch was willing to play along: “The DVD extras will have the alternative ending to that,” he joked saucily. “We go to the gates.”

You may also be interested to know that Baldwin managed to say the phrase “You’re a pussy” on morning TV while telling a story during his opening banter with Kelly. Watch that here. Good times!

Read more:

New ‘John Carter’ trailer: Hey, it’s Jimmy McNulty!

‘John Carter’ fan trailer: Okay, this has to get you excited NOW, right?

‘John Carter’: Without the source material, would there have been a ‘Star Wars’? — VIDEO

New ‘John Carter’ footage: A plot emerges.

‘John Carter’ director Andrew Stanton on those green men, that frog dog, and why he HATES trailer spoilers — EXCLUSIVE

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