'Hangover' lawsuits are resolved

Two lawsuits against Warner Bros. involving this summer's raunchy blockbuster The Hangover Part II have been dropped. Michael Alan Rubin, a writer who claimed in October that the film was based on his autobiographical screenplay, Mickey and Kirin, has dropped his litigation. Likewise Scott McLean, who performed stunts for Ed Helms, is no longer seeking damages for an injury he suffered during a car collision on set. According to court records, both Rubin and McLean dismissed their lawsuits voluntarily. That makes three Hangover II lawsuits that have been resolved this year, the first of which was over the Mike Tyson-style face tattoo Helms' character sported in the film. The Hangover Part II had the fourth most profitable box office of 2011.

Read more:

Writer sues 'The Hangover Part II' filmmakers for stealing his biographical script

Warner Bros. settles 'Hangover Part II' tattoo lawsuit

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