Mindy Kaling: Her fashion blog is back! -- and it features a preview of her book


Mindy Kaling is one of my heroes.

I spent many a class in college covertly checking my phone for updates to her unabashedly fun and light-hearted shopping blog, Things I Bought That I Love (TIBTIL) and would excitedly text my friends (yeah, I was pretty cool) when there was a new post.

Unfortunately, that blog has been stagnant since Black Tuesday — April 8, 2008 … until now. With the release of her book of essays, Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns), out Nov. 1, Kaling has launched a brand-new brightly-colored website … with new TIBTIL updates!

Kaling’s unique brand of humor, mixed with her practical tips on such style topics such as how to make heels hurt less or the most comfy yoga pants, are helpful and fascinating in a way ladymags could only aspire to be. And her Twitter account is full of hilarious and insightful one-liners that I hope make their way into her book.

The site’s kick-off TIBTIL post is about a pink trashcan (not just for little kids!) and winter shorts (not just for Zooey Deschanel!). As always, her girl-next-door approach to shopping shines through.

The website also has a nice preview of the book, and from the excerpts, it looks like it is going to be both laugh-out-loud funny and poignant. My favorite part is the advance peek at the chapter devoted to how guys have to do very little to be considered great/attractive. “Being a guy is so easy. A little Kiehl’s, a little Bumble and Bumble, a peacoat, a pair of Chuck Taylors, and you’re hot.” Find me a woman who has spent an hour plus working on her hair before work and tell me that’s fair.

Shelf Lifers: Excited for this release? Are there any other TIBTIL fans out there?

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Excerpt from Mindy Kaling’s book ‘Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?’ available online

Take a look at Mindy Kaling’s new book cover for ‘Is Everyone Hanging Out without Me?’

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