Neil Patrick Harris, Anjelica Huston read Dr. Seuss: EXCLUSIVE


Seven short stories, written and illustrated by Dr. Seuss for Redbook magazine in the 1950’s, have been rediscovered and will be available in book form for the first time tomorrow with the release of The Bippolo Seed and Other Lost Stories. Aside from scholars and collectors, few people have seen these rare stories. Now you’ll not only be able to read them, but also hear Seuss’ whimsical new tales read by big stars in the audio version. Shelf Life has obtained exclusive snippets of stories read by Neil Patrick Harris, Anjelica Huston, William H. Macy, Joan Cusack, Jason Lee, Edward Herrmann, and Peter Dinklage:

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Also, check out the trailer for The Bippolo Seed to learn how these stories came to light:

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